About Me

"...becoming an artist consists of learning to accept yourself, which makes your work personal, and in following your own voice, which makes your work distinctive"
(Bayles & Orland, 1993, p. 3).

A close family friend once asked me if I ever tired of creating art that was always so personal.  Didn't I ever just want to make something that was pretty to look at?  While it is true, it would be easier to just create something pretty, I wouldn't be following my own voice and my work would not be distinctive.  What then, would be the point?  I paint from my heart.  
The title, "To the Moons and Back", is inspired by one of my paintings.  I started this piece by writing the names of the people who tried to convince me I was not good enough.  Over the top of each of these names, I painted a glowing moon.  There is a children's book, Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney, that speaks of a love so grand that it spans the distance of the moon and back.  I love this concept!  Whenever I think of the moon, I think of the depth and breadth of God's love and those near and dear to me who truly do love me that much.  So for each name of dissappointment I placed on my canvas, I replaced it with my symbol of love- the moon.  In the foreground, I painted a great tree to symbolize the family God has blessed me with that loves and accepts me for who I am.  The hand-dyed papers used for the leaves were the actual pieces of paper I tore when my heart was heavy with anger and disappointment.  I have incorporated these torn remnants of hurt and anger as the leaves in my painting, because my new family lifts me up when I am down- helping to support and encourage me in times of struggle.  It is a painting that both recognizes my past and also celebrates the fact that I am now blessed with a source of unconditional love.  I hope to bring this amount of love and depth of meaning to each piece and client I have the opportunity of working with.

Creating works of art that have deep personal meaning to either myself or others, has given way to a style of painting that is distinctly my own.  Bold colors, images rich in symbolism, and lines of poetry are what make these paintings distinct.  I paint from my heart and have come to accept the images that result as blessings.  I pray that the acceptance I have gained from my paintings can make the transition from canvas to real life.  This is why I paint; This is the point!
© To the Moons and Back